Wedding Flowers
David and Claudia
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Father Torres

Father Adrian Towers López, was born in Seville, Department of the Valle, in the Republic of Colombia, S.A., on September 4, 1947. 

After finishing his studies of Philosophy and Theology in the “Seminario Nacional de Cristo Sacerdote”, he was ordered priest in the Church of Our Lady of Bethlehem in Medellín, by the laying of hands of the Bishop Alfonso Uribe Jaramillo, onOctober 19, 1975

Since then he has occupied the following positions:  Spiritual director and Professor of History of Philosophy, Latin, Greek and Vatican Council II in the “Seminario Nacional de Cristo Sacerdote” and in the “Seminario Intermisional San Luis Beltrán de Bogotá”.  Preached in the Church of Our Lady of Fátina in Suffisant, Curacao, N.A.  He then Studied Religious Art Paintings and Mural Techniques in "The School of Visual Arts" and in "The art Students League of New York", in Manhattan, N.Y., performing at the same time his religious work in the Parish of Joachim & Anne in Queens Villages, N.Y. 

Since 1988 he has been exercising his ministry in the Diocese of Orlando, Florida, where has worked in the Parishes of Blessed Trinity in Ocala, Saint Joseph and Resurrection in Lakeland, and Saint Mary Magdalene in Altamonte Springs.  He has performed his responsibility as Direct Diocesan of the Hispanic Charismatic Renewal in the Diocese of Orlando.  The success of his studies in the Bible, Sacraments, History of the Church, Know and Proclaim your faith, and Maria: Virgin and Mother, have helped him gain the appreciation of all the Hispanic towns in Florida.  He travels often to other States and to different countries, to direct retreats, conferences, seminars and biblical courses. 




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